The Queen joins a discussion with SafeLives Changemakers
As Patron of SafeLives, The Queen has joined a discussion with Changemakers, younger pioneers of the charity, at Buckingham Palace.

The SafeLives Changemakers are a group of 14 - 20 year olds, who assist in guiding the charity’s response to issues facing young people, with a particular focus on exploring and promoting healthy relationships.

The group decided on their name to give a voice to those who are overlooked, ignored or silenced when addressing important issues.

SafeLives is the UK-wide charity dedicated to ending domestic abuse, for everyone and for good. The charity recognises children and young people as victims in their own right - those aged 13-17 experience some of the highest rates of domestic abuse.

One of the key priorities for the Changemakers over the next year is to ensure that the voices of children and young people are heard and accounted for in the design, development and delivery of domestic abuse responses. This includes ensuring that the experiences of minority and diverse young people are heard and included so that all can be supported to live free of abuse.

For many years, The Queen has worked to highlight the efforts of domestic abuse charities and their work to support victims and survivors, both in the UK and overseas, with the aim of breaking the taboo around the subject. Read more about Her Majesty's work in this area.

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