Message from The King for the 2024 Royal Maundy Service
It is my special prayer today that Our Lord’s example of serving one another might continue to inspire us and to strengthen all our communities.
His Majesty was unable to attend the 2024 Royal Maundy Service, so a recording of the following message was played to the congregation at Worcester Cathedral.
The audio message started with The King reading The First Lesson – a reading from the Gospel according to John (John 13.1 – 15).
“Ladies and Gentlemen, it is, for me, a great sadness that I cannot be with you all today. The Maundy Service has a very special place in my heart. It has its origin in the life of Our Lord who knelt before his disciples and, to their great surprise, washed their travel-weary feet. And, as we have just heard, in doing so he deliberately gave to them and to us all an example of how we should serve and care for each other.
In this country we are blessed by all the different services that exist for our welfare. But over and above these organizations and their selfless staff, we need and benefit greatly from those who extend the hand of friendship to us, especially in a time of need.
The 150 men and women who have been chosen today to receive the Maundy Money from my wife are wonderful examples of such kindness; of going way beyond the call of duty and of giving so much of their lives to the service of others in their communities.
This act of worship, here in Worcester Cathedral, reminds me of the pledge I made at the beginning of the Coronation Service - to follow Christ’s example ‘not to be served but to serve’. That I have always tried to do and continue to do, with my whole heart.
It is my special prayer today that Our Lord’s example of serving one another might continue to inspire us and to strengthen all our communities.
May God bless you all this Easter.”
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