The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge celebrate the Commonwealth


The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have undertaken two engagements in London that celebrate the Commonwealth in the run up to the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in April.

The day began within London's Olympic Park at the Copper Box Arena, where Their Royal Highnesses joined a SportsAid event. SportsAid is a national charity that helps young British Sportsmen and women aspiring to be country's next Olympic, Paralympic, Commonwealth and world champions.

The Duke and Duchess met some wheelchair basketball players, some of whom hope to compete in the 2022 Commonwealth Games in Birmingham, where the sport will be featured for the first time.

Every year SportsAid supports over 1,000 athletes – the vast majority aged 12-18 – by providing a financial award to help with training and competition costs. The charity also helps develop other vital skills for professional athletes, such as media training, nutritional advice and performance lifestyle guidance.

Their Royal Highnesses got involved in a Commonwealth Quiz, in which athletes, coaches and supporters were questioned on their knowledge of the Commonwealth.

Next month, the Gold Coast of Australia will host the Commonwealth Games.

At St Luke's Community Centre in Islington, London, The Duke and Duchess joined a Commonwealth Big Lunch.

The Centre provides services and activities for locals at the heart of the EC1 community, and has a range of facilities including a fully-equipped Cookery School, which runs community classes on healthy, home cooking and avoiding food waste.

The Centre hosts a 'Big Lunch' every year as part of the Eden Project's Big Lunch initiative. The Big Lunch aims to encourage as many people as possible to have lunch with members of their community once a year to share food and encourage friendship.

Commonwealth Big Lunches are part of the official celebrations leading up to the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) and are taking place from Commonwealth Day on 12th March until 22nd April.

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